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Tutor ID: 15547
Registered Date:
Name: Dev Nanda 2010-01-18
Age: 61
Teaching Experience: 29 years
Gender: Male
Highest qualification: Master in Business Administration
Current Job: Lecturer
FT/PT: Part-Time Tutor
Current Location: USJ
Subjects that I can teach:
IGCSE: English,Economics,Commerce
A-Level: English,Economics,Commerce,Business,Finance,Marketing
Area Covered: .....
Slogan: Highly Effective Resuts Oriented Tutor .
Other Informations: With over 15 years of lecturing and management training experience that focused specifically on individual development through improved comprehension, working with limited group (max 3) from my residence is preferred. ICT & Audio Visual aids are employed where necessary to further aid conceptualization of core concepts. My personal motivating factor is enabling realization of potential amongst young people through a better understanding of themselves; thereby helping them perform above their own expectations. .
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