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Home Tutor's Profile
Tutor ID: 49471
Registered Date:
Name: ZAIDAN ABDUL WAHAB2019-04-16
Age: 68
Teaching Experience: 37 years
Gender: Male
Highest qualification: PhD
Current Job: Retired Teacher
FT/PT: Part-Time Tutor
Current Location: SEREMBAN
Subjects that I can teach:
IGCSE: Physics
A-Level: Physics
Area Covered: ....Negeri Sembilan
Slogan: How may I help you in Physics.
Other Informations: I was a Physics lecturer in a local University for 30 Years. Now I am offering home tutorials in Physics with the aim of helping and facilitating students learning and understanding Physics concepts, rules, laws, calculations etc. My tutorial session will prepare students the skills to answer a variety of questions types including questions that require higher level thinking skills (HOTS)/Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) and at the same time instill interests in Physics. I believe that interest in the subject will motivates students to excel in the subject..
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