Home Tuition in Semenyih, Selangor, KL
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Tutor ID: 14991
Registered Date: 2009-12-17
Name: Karthika Menon P.Shiva Kumar
Age: 36
Teaching Experience: 16 years
Gender: Female
Highest qualification: Undergraduate student, Nottingham University Malaysia Campus
Current Job: Tuition Centre Teacher
FT/PT: Part-Time Tutor
Current Location: Semenyih, Selangor
Subjects that I can teach:
UPSR: BM,English,Mathematics,Science
A-Level: .
Area Covered: ..Kajang,Serdang,Sungai Long..
Slogan: General.
Other Informations: I'm an undergraduate student in the University of Nottigham, Malaysia Campus, Semenyih. I'm currently doing my degree in Finance, Accounting and Management. I can teach both science and non-science subjects as I was in science stream while I was in secondary school. Other than that,I have also completed my STPM majored in Biology. Furthermore, tuition timings can also be adjusted according to parents/students flexibility. Lastly, i believe that I can be a very good tutor as I can teach both science and non-science subjects..
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