Home Tuition in Tmn Maluri, Cheras, KL


Home Tutor Profile


Tutor ID: 35560

Registered Date: 2014-10-09

Name: Helen Suseela Andrew

Age: 58

Teaching Experience: 20 years


Gender: Female

Highest qualification: Completed MBA

Current Job: Tuition Centre Teacher

FT/PT: Full Time Tutor

Current Location: Tmn Maluri, Cheras


Subjects that I can teach:

UPSR: English,Mathematics,Science



IGCSE: English

A-Level: English

Other:Adult English


Area Covered: ..Ampang,Cheras,KL Town..


Slogan: A Fun and Interesting Way to learn English!.


Other Informations: Dear Parents, I also teach IELTS and SATS for students who need it. Apart from just teaching English, I am also a trainer catering EQ building, motivation, how to use positive words to elevate communications. I help to build a student's self efficacy, guiding them in their journey as students. To obtain strong character and leadership qualities. .





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