Home Tuition in Jalan Ipoh,KL, KL
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Tutor ID: 9426
Registered Date: 2008-08-24
Name: Nur Iqwa Jamal binti Jamaludin
Age: 40
Teaching Experience: 17 years
Gender: Female
Highest qualification: Bachelor in Accounting (Hons)
Current Job: Lecturer
FT/PT: Part-Time Tutor
Current Location: Jalan Ipoh,KL
Subjects that I can teach:
UPSR: BM,Mathematics
IGCSE: Accounts,Economics,Statistics
A-Level: Accounts,Statistics
Area Covered: ..Ampang,Bangsar,Jalan Ipoh,Kepong,KL Town,Taman Tun,Wangsa Maju..
Slogan: your kids need me. ;D.
Other Informations: I am account and cost accounting lecturer at private university college in KL. I like teaching. The class can be held either at the student's home or at my place.(I prefer at my place ;D ) I live at condo in Jalan Ipoh,so no need to worry about your child`s safety. If you think I am capable to teach your children, kindly do contact me via email . Thank You...
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