Home Tuition in Selayang , Selangor
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Tutor ID: 49062
Registered Date: 2019-02-01
Name: Ahmad Syafiq
Age: 37
Teaching Experience: 17 years
Gender: Male
Highest qualification: Master in Information Technology
Current Job: Lecturer
FT/PT: Part-Time Tutor
Current Location: Selayang
Subjects that I can teach:
UPSR: Mathematics,Science
A-Level: .
Other:Basic IT
Area Covered: Bandar Utama,Damansara Perdana,Selayang.Jalan Ipoh,Kepong..
Slogan: About Me.
Other Informations: Dear Parents, I have many years experience in teaching students (primary & secondary). I can mingle well with the students, thus create the happy mood for a good quality class. So far my students are not from the current year only, but most of them are from the previous year. Meaning that they like me & still want me to teach them for the following year. I interact well with parents also in updating them regularly on their children's learning progress..
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